The Seahorse

MMXII November 27, 2020: Planet: The Ocean : Seahorse is the name given to this animal from the sea whose rough exterior resembles more the skin of a crustacean than a fish to which many categorize it. There are many variations of the seahorses, as many as 46. But it each variation, is still considered a seahorse.

The seahorse is characterized by having a head and neck suggestive of a horse. Seahorses also feature segmented bony armor, an upright posture and a curled prehensile tail just like a new world monkey only the sea horse hangs upwards and while a monkey with a prehensile tail  hangs downwards.

The pipefish is a close relative or some might say a type of the seahorse. The sea dragon looks more like a seahorse than the pipefish. Seahorses are mainly found in shallow tropical and temperate salt water throughout the world. Considered a delicate fish, the seahorse thrives in the wild ocean filled with large hungry fish. They live in seabeds and near corals and can even look like coral.  Their armor looks like coral and can reflect and absorb light and color to help to protect them.

Seahorses mate to make little seahorses.  In the mating ritual the male mates with the female.  This is the most important part of the lesson.  Then afterwards little baby seahorses are born.

The marital bonds between seahorses are a secret protected the by the unwritten privacy laws of the sea. More important to the animal kingdom on land and in the sea is the natural reproduction of the species.

In a home aquarium, the seahorse are best appreciated with other seahorses and maybe a few very small nonaggressive fish. They eat brine shrimp and special food. Seahorse need to have little underwater trees and things to hang from and where they can be appreciated.